Past Activities
Objective 1: Successful Project Kick-off
Objective 1: Successful Project Kick-off
Key results: 1.1: Monthly virtual project meetings for administrative and operational project implementation 1.2.: Ethical approval of all project’s planned empirical research activities by Institutional Review Board of University of Coimbra 1.3. Development and launch of project website and project-owned social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (find icon-links below). 1.4.: Set-up of designated Project Communication and Dissemination Plan to boost project impact, including dissemination template kit
Past Activities
Objective 2: Development of a self-assessment concept of WLF based on established concepts and newest research insights
Objective 2: Development of a self-assessment concept of WLF based on established concepts and newest research insights

Key results:

  1. Systematic literature reviews from three complementary approaches started:
  1. In-depth pilot interviews in all four partner countries to explore under-researched factors regarding current Work-Life-Flow issues and remote/hybrid work
  2. Eclectic combination of quantitative and qualitative research results and design of a self-assessment concept delivering a descriptive WLF Index
Past Activities
Objective 3: Obtaining highest data quality for the WLF assessment tool
Objective 3: Obtaining highest data quality for the WLF assessment tool

Key results:

3.1.: Localisation of individual WLF survey contents for all four partner languages and cultures

3.2.: Implementation of WLF survey into Qualtrics

3.3.: Sample recruitment in all four countries with a target of 1000 responses per country

3.4.: Data collection and analysis

Past Activities
Objective 4: Developing a WLF Assessment tool (corporate and individual solution) based on excellence
Objective 4: Developing a WLF Assessment tool (corporate and individual solution) based on excellence

Key results:

4.1. Officially certified EFQM Training for all project partners

4.2. Evidence-based assessment tool development

4.3. Recruitment and piloting of alpha-version of assessment tool

Past Activities
Objective 5: Designing an interactive WLF-training platform
Objective 5: Designing an interactive WLF-training platform

Key results:

5.1. Localized evidence-based training modules for individuals, supervisors, and HR

5.2. Individual learning journeys based on a unified pedagogical model including need-based, self-paced, and badge supported principles

5.3. Recruitment and piloting of alpha-version of training platform

Future Activities
Objective 6: Preparing the training roll-out
Objective 6: Preparing the training roll-out

Key results:

6.1. Development of guidelines for trainers and tutors on how to present the trainings

6.2. Development and localization of workbooks

6.3. Training of  Trainers that will facilitate the pilot activities

6.4. Acquisition of pilot user organizations (Contact for interest!)

Dissemination activities

Detailed Activities

To design the WLF Methodology the project will analyse via desktop research (all partners) the contents and scales for the innovative and web-based WLF Personal Excellence Assessment tool based on ‘Decent Work’ principles (ILO) and on recent EU-Directive 2019/1158 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 , covering existing concepts of personal resilience, health promoting organisational processes and existing HRM strategies and practices. The project will also include an analysis of a new focus on remote work and home office arising from the coronavirus. These findings will be integrated with each other and aligned along the Excellence dimensions as described in the new EFQM Model.

– The software implementation will build upon researched parameters, as well as make use of the existing design of LOPEC’s Personal Excellence Tool (PEx). WLF will redesign the associated questionnaires informed by the current EFQM Excellence Model and add identified assessments informed by the research of the academic partners on the psychosocial and physical well-being and HRM related factors for a positive work-life balance.

To accelerate the technical development process and ensure a high stability of the application from the very beginning it will be implemented by IBK as part of their GOA-WorkBench® Software Library as a new web-based module that can be used through any type of browser.

– WLF Intervention & Training Modules, contents and accompanying innovative, virtual/distance and inverted training materials (guidelines, workbook, case studies) will be developed by UB and UC based on the initial content analysis as well as on the results of the first assessment in the different participating countries.

– The Multimedia supported self-learning modules of the overall training solution will be done by UBT as web-based learning materials making use of animated screens and supporting video clips or virtual reality add-ons wherever this supports the learning efficiency. The content for the WLF Intervention & Training Modules will be developed jointly by the 4 HEI Partners plus IBK and tested by the two end-user representing partners.

– Testing: The WLF project will follow a combination of the agile software development approach and the rapid prototype cycle with its parallelism of development and testing (Alpha, Beta & Gamma Cycles). Alpha Testing by the partners internally during the implementation phase. Beta Testing of the complete modules by all partners who were not involved in their direct development, plus at least one partner per country who comes from outside of the project team will take place. Gamma Testing of the fully integrated solution by complete outsiders will validate the technical stability of the solutions and ease of use; the benefits offered and the effectiveness of the training; the training approach and the usefulness of the training package for further individual use. At least 12 external pilot user organisations (DE 1, PT & XK 2, ES & IE 3) will involve around 500 persons in total to do this testing, with the local partners supporting them in this task.

– To discuss and improve the developed solution with a wider public a final international conference will be organized.